Tag: my adventures in Spain

To Help a Magpie

Aided by chattering birds I discovered a Eurasian Magpie in distress…

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Hello, how is your month of August going? It’s still pretty hot here in Madrid, and I’m still in PT for my ankle, but thankfully, things are improving on both fronts. Today I’m going to talk about a road trip we took in mid-July. What does it mean to be human? In college I took …

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Starting the New Year off on the right foot

Exploring some of the beautiful countryside just outside of Madrid

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Santo Inocente

One of the sillier reasons I love living in Spain is that the Día de los Santos Inocentes (“Day of the Innocent Saints”) which is the equivalent of April Fool’s Day, falls on December 28th. The roots of this celebration go back to biblical times, and even Pagan traditions, and this day is celebrated not …

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Holidays in Tres Cantos

We had a most wonderful time with our kids in Miami. The weather held out, we had time to sit and talk and eat and play games. Couldn’t have asked for better. Hoping that all my Jewish friends enjoyed a wonderful Hannukah! As far as I have seen, Hannukah is not a thing in Tres …

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to take a moment and give a shout out to some people who mean so much to us and who have really been there for us this past year. I’ll start with our kids, four terrific human beings who have continually given us so much joy. I’ll extend it to their spouses and …

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A trip to Navarra

A birding trip through the gorgeous landscape of Navarra in northeastern Spain.

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Happy Halloween from Tres Cantos!

When I lived in Spain before, Halloween was not on anyone’s radar, and outside of the American Schools, it basically didn’t exist. Things have changed in the last 20 years, however, and Halloween is now…well, it’s kind of a thing. Not like in the US, no, but… on the spectrum. For starters, I was able …

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Watching the Volcano…

It’s Sunday night, and our movers are coming TOMORROW!! So just a quick note to share something I’ve been wanting to cover in the blog for a few weeks, which is the volcano erupting in the Canary Island of La Palma. As of today, it’s been going for 28 days, and there is no sign …

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Everyday shopping in Spain

It’s been 4 months since we packed up our home and moved out of Austin, 3 months since we settled down in Tres Cantos, and our furniture and things are ABOUT TO ARRIVE! Next week! Yipee!! So, I probably won’t have a post for next week, as we unwrap and unpack for hours on end. …

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