Contact Me

Hello and thanks for reaching out to me! Whether you are interested in using The Laptev Virus or The Cobra Effect in your science classroom or A Cricket of a Girl in your Latin American Studies unit/class, or if you just have a question about one of my characters, I’m happy to hear from you. So far I have been contacted by middle school, high school and university educators who have incorporated my novels into their teaching and I love hearing about your creativity.

If your school would like to purchase a classroom set, you can get the books greatly discounted by ordering from here.

I am available to speak with your classes via Skype or Zoom. Please reach out to me through the comments below if you’d like to set up a date for that.

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    • Rebecca on March 19, 2024 at 8:04 am
    • Reply

    Hola! I’ve just subscribed to your blog and would love to be in contact via email. We are highly considering a move to Tres Cantos and I would love to ask you questions as they come up, if possible! Thank you!

    1. Hey, Rebecca, I’ve sent you an email! Best, Christy

    • Derrick Alexander on July 19, 2021 at 10:31 am
    • Reply

    Good morning. I just finished your book “The Laptev Virus” and I loved it. I really enjoyed the detail you went into describing the research and research facilities. Many years ago I worked in a barrier vivarium facility caring for lab mice. Your description brought back many memories and I could vividly remember the work I had done. It was quite interesting to know exactly what your were talking about. Do you have any plans to write a sequel or a follow-up to this book? Thanks!

    1. Hey, Derrick, that is really great to hear! And yes, I wrote a sequel called “The Cobra Effect”. I hope you’ll like it too! And if you could take a moment to write exactly what you just wrote to me in an Amazon review, I would really appreciate it as that is about the only way people can find out about my books. Thank you again for sharing! Best, Christy

    • Heidi Walz on May 21, 2021 at 8:12 am
    • Reply

    Hi, I have a 14 year old boy that is a very serious birder. He will start taking Spanish in the Fall and I would love to help give him a head start by learning BIRDING things in Spanish. Do you ever offer paid online classes or tutoring? He’s a smart, well-behaved kid that devours bird books and only wants to learn Spanish for birding travel! If you are on ebird, you can find him (I think!) by searching Bobby Walz or Killdeer007 : ). Thank you!

    1. Heidi, I’ve tried replying, but your email is not working. Is there an alternate address I might use?

    • Masi on December 21, 2020 at 9:31 am
    • Reply

    Hello My name is Masi Mejia and I am a member of Monte Mucho Audubon Society here in Laredo, Texas. We would love for you to join us for a meeting where you could share some information on your Spanish for Birders. Possibly a 20 minute presentation in February or March.

    1. Yes, I’d love to! I’ve sent you an email message. Thanks for reaching out to me!

    • Denise on July 9, 2020 at 1:58 pm
    • Reply

    Okay so my daughter pointed me to your two biology books. I found them perfect for class. However, in today’s climate, I struggle with assigning the Laptev due to its ending. My administration is also not keen on my assigning a work that ends like that. I wish you had a more “student friendly ” version, with a different last sentence, so I could use it in class!

    1. Hi Denise,
      I’m so glad you found my books and that they will be useful for class. As for the ending of Laptev, as a former teacher myself, I wrestled with the ending too, but death is, unfortunately, part of our everyday world and I ultimately felt that this ending could serve as a platform for meaningful discussions and could serve to reach students and teach them coping strategies. Here are some possible questions:
      -It’s a shame that Stan chose suicide as a way out of his predicament with his conscience. What other courses of action could he have taken? What advice would you have given him if you could have reached him on the phone before he reached for the drawer?
      -The CDC has found that the number of suicides greatly increases with the prevalence of gun ownership. Do you think that if Stan did not own a gun that he would have still taken his own life? Why or why not?
      -Rewrite the ending of this novel in a way that allows Stan to live and face the challenge of sharing with the world (and the families of the loved ones) what happened in the barracks. Should Stan go to jail for his mistakes in letting the research continue with inconclusive scientific evidence?
      -Write a second epilogue to the story from Angela’s point of view. She respected Stan but chose to quit rather than continue working against her own ethical values. What would she have said when she learned of Stan’s death?

      I’m sure you can think of other points as well that speak of the respect for life.

      Another option is to only assign certain chapters to your class, and not require students to read to the end.
      I don’t think having two versions of the book would work because there could be people who buy the wrong one and also there will be people who see that it’s abridged and want to read the full version.

      Fortunately, the ending of Cobra is much more student-friendly. 🙂
      Thanks again for your comments and let me know if your administration decides to allow you to adopt the books. I’m sure I can run a “special school sale” the week before classes begin, pricing the Kindle versions at $0.99 for a few days to lower the economic burden on the families.

    • Kim Atwood on May 6, 2020 at 6:04 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Christy,
    I have recently taken over a high school BioSTEM program & want to know how I can get a class set of The Cobra Effect & possibly the Laptev Virus. I read both during quarantine & thoroughly enjoyed them. They are absolutely brilliant! I have been asked to bring a more environmental approach into the BioSTEM program….therefore, I definitely want to incorporate The Cobra Effect if at all possible. I read that you are up to meeting virtually with students, as well, & would love to schedule that later on.

    Kim Atwood

    1. Hi Kim,
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the books and want to use them in your classroom! My books are available on Amazon, and at this site you can order them in bulk and tax-free, which brings the cost down to about $5 or $6 per copy.
      I’ve sent you an email. Please let me know if you don’t receive it!

    • Terri Fenner on January 26, 2020 at 2:19 pm
    • Reply

    You don’t need to respond. I simply wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed “reading with my ears”, your audiobook, The Laptev Virus. I frequently interrupted my husband’s day long, all day news watching to discuss aspects of your book and how comparative certain concepts were to actual past events, how probable the concept of this virus was in our lives. Thank you for this at times nail bitting, at times heart racing and many times, hand washing, read. I’m hoping you write a follow up after the amazing ending. Of lesser importance, we also live in Austin.

    1. Dear Terri,
      Thank you for your kind words–really made my day!! And actually, I have written a sequel, though it’s about the problem of plastic pollution, but still with Sarah, and the narrative picks up a few months after The Laptev Virus ends. It’s called The Cobra Effect and I’d love to hear what you think of it. It’s on Amazon and there is also a copy in the Austin Public Library. It’s so cool you live in Austin too!
      Also, Terri, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d very much appreciate it if you could take a moment and put these same sentences you wrote about Laptev on Amazon, as a review, which you can do even if you did not purchase the audiobook. 🙂 I don’t have a publicist so word of mouth (and reviews) are the main way I use to let people know about my novels!
      Thanks and take care,

    • Mia Jupp on August 7, 2019 at 4:44 am
    • Reply

    Dear Christy,

    I am a TV Producer interested in the Bueno series and I was wondering whether they had been optioned and also whether you had an agent I should contact?

    Many thanks,

    Mia Jupp

    1. Hi Mia, I sent you an email. Let me know if you don’t receive it.
      Thank you,

    • Liz Hickson on November 16, 2017 at 9:08 am
    • Reply

    We are reading your book Laptev Virus for our June 28 2018 bookclub
    Wondering if you would be able to attend? The meeting is held at my house in North Austin.

    1. Yes, Liz, thank you so much for inviting me and I would be delighted to attend. I’ll reach out to you via email right now. Best, Christy

    • Silvia on July 14, 2017 at 9:41 pm
    • Reply

    Hi there! I’ve tried to purchase cricket of a girl in Amazon but it’s no longer available. I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada, do you know of any independent stores that may sell it?

    1. Hi Silvia, I’ve modified A Cricket of a Girl and it is now back in print and e-book formats. Please check on Amazon or order a copy through your local bookstore. Thank you!

        • Monica Espinoza Chavez on September 27, 2018 at 11:41 am
        • Reply

        Hi Christy,

        I, too, would like to purchase a copy of A Cricket of a Girl but I am unable to do so via amazon. I have tried looking for it at Chapters, (I live in Toronto, Ontario as well) and was unable to find it. Is there any other way I can get a copy of your book?

        Thank you!

        1. Hi Monica,
          Thanks so much for contacting me. I’m excited that you want to read A Cricket of a Girl, and I just checked and it is now available on Amazon in Canada. Here’s the link
          If the link doesn’t work, just go to Amazon and look for “Christy Esmahan” and that will bring up all my books.
          Happy reading and please let me know what you think of the book!
          Un abrazo,

    • Stav on July 22, 2016 at 7:28 am
    • Reply

    Good Afternoon
    Can you kindly let me know how can I find names and e-mails of Tuna Teams in Salamanca-Spain
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Stav,

      Thank you for contacting me. The Tunas are pretty much all associated with the universities in each city, (in this case, the Universidad de Salamanca). You can contact them directly through the University website. Here is the link:


    • Jeanne Graham on June 30, 2015 at 9:03 pm
    • Reply

    Hey there, Christy ….

    I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed ‘The Laptev Virus’. I finished it this morning, sometime before dawn, when I should have been sleeping!

    You and I shared a table Sunday at the WLT 2015 Deanna Roy presentation and talked about possible title and cover ideas for your book.

    Would you like me to share those ideas here?


    1. I’ve sent you an email, Jeanne!

    • Louis Wu on May 25, 2015 at 9:16 am
    • Reply

    Dear Christy,
    We meet at the Great Books discussion on the short stories earlier this month.
    I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of “Bueno” and “Laptev Virus” from Amazon.
    I have a Great Books discussion group at the David Weekley YMCA on Stella Link near Bellaire Blvd and we are always looking to read and discuss local books and authors. I know you mentioned you would not be in Houston very long. Are you available on Tuesday September 1 from 12 noon to 1 pm? If not, do you have other dates that are good for you?
    Louis Wu

    1. Hi Louis, I’ve sent you an email. Thanks!!

  1. Great looking site! I clicked the Follow button, put in my info, submitted it,and I got an error404 “site does not exist” message.

    1. Thanks, Alice! I’m looking into this problem and will get it fixed asap. I will let you know. Best, Christy

    2. I finally got it working, Alice, please try now. It’s in the column on the right, under Subscribe to Christy’s Blog via email

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